The Stoic Transition: How Veterans Can Thrive in their Next Adventure

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If you are in the military entering the civilian world or you are a veteran who has transitioned already but is still struggling to find your path, this episode is a must-listen.

This week, we welcome author and Founder of Mission Edge Ken Davenport. In conversation with hosts Lindsey Pollak and Mike Abrams, Ken shares how his passion for helping people achieve greatness in their lives led him to starting a social enterprise to help nonprofits and small businesses grow and devoting much of his time to helping military veterans transition to the civilian world.

Most recently the author of "The Stoic Transition: A Guide" to help veterans live their best lives after the military, Ken details how his early life led him to discover the concept of stoicism and how it can help veterans embrace their power to thrive in their next adventures.

Ken Davenport is an entrepreneur and writer based in San Diego, California. Ken’s built multiple businesses, lived in Switzerland as a kid, did his graduate work in London, spent a nomadic year in Tokyo, where he learned Japanese (or tried), and now spends much of his free time helping military veterans transition to the civilian world. A former Board member at the Travis Manion Foundation, Ken helped bring FourBlock to San Diego and also teaches Boots to Business at the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University.


Welcome to the FourBlock Podcast, a show that examines veteran career transition and the military-civilian divide in the workplace. General Charles Krulak coined the term “Three Block War” to describe the nature of 21st-century military service defined by peace-keeping, humanitarian aid, and full combat. But what happens next? Veterans are often unprepared to return home and begin new careers. We call this the Fourth Block.

FourBlock is a national non-profit that has supported thousands of transitioning service members across the nation in beginning new and meaningful careers.

Mike Abrams (@fourblock) is an Afghanistan veteran, FourBlock founder, and author of two military transition books. He’ll be representing the military transition perspective. Lindsey Pollak (@lindsaypollak) is a career and workplace expert and New York Times bestselling author of three career advice books. Lindsey will be representing the civilian perspective of this issue.

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