Community Spotlight: Tom Wolfe, Alumni Career Development Manager

The U.S. Navy veteran is leading FourBlock’s charge into North Carolina.

Tom Wolfe 

Service: U.S. Navy, 1968–1978, Surface Warfare Officer, Tactical Action Officer, Admiral’s Aide
Education: U.S. Naval Academy
Major: Engineering & Management
FourBlock Affiliation: Alumni Career Development Manager
Hobbies: Running, biking, kayaking, Scrabble, poker, craft beers

FourBlock was honored to welcome U.S. Navy veteran Tom Wolfe and his 40 years of career development experience to its team in late 2018. While serving as the foundation’s Alumni Career Development Manager, Tom is also leading FourBlock’s first-ever Career Readiness Program in Charlotte (launching March 13).

In anticipation of Charlotte’s launch, we spoke with Tom to discuss his own transition journey and the value of FourBlock’s Career Readiness Program.

FourBlock: What barriers did you face during your transition from active duty back into civilian life?

Wolfe:  Insufficient self-knowledge: figuring out what really mattered to me, what I truly cared about, my needs vs. my wants; finding an organization that would meet my needs and also gain value added from me as an employee.

What civilian jobs have you held since transitioning out of active duty? How were your experiences?

I got fired from the first one (thank goodness!); then a string of successes: Recruiter, National Recruiting Manager, Career Coach, Columnist, Author, Instructor, Career Development Coach and Mentor. Although I failed to find “the right job, the first time,” I landed on my feet.

How did you first hear of FourBlock?

The founder, Mike Abrams, and I crossed paths the year FourBlock was launched. I followed their growth and success and reached out to them when I retired.

What drove you to become involved with FourBlock?

The people who work there and the mission they support.

What is it you like most about FourBlock’s Career Readiness Program?

It gives the students not only the tools they need to make a successful transition but also exposes them to multiple opportunities and companies, world-class companies who have already discovered the value of hiring veterans, especially FourBlock alumni.

What one piece of key advice would you give to veterans who are currently transitioning?

Develop a high state of self-knowledge. Figure out what makes you tick; what’s in your head? Your heart? Your gut? Ask for help. Fly your own flag. Never underestimate the importance of your relationships with your co-workers: are these my kind of people?

Read my book: (second edition, © 2018).