Shelby Hebing is a U.S. Army military spouse and a Fall 2021 graduate of the FourBlock-Prepare to Launch U (PTLU) Military Spouse Career Readiness Program.
Shelby Hebing

Service (Branch, Length of Service): U.S. Army military spouse, 6 years married, 10 years total together, 13.5 years for spouse’s service
Education: B.S. Health Education and Promotion, M.Ed. Counselor Education
Major: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
FourBlock Cohort: Fall 2021 Military Spouse Career Readiness Program
Current Company or Organization: U.S. Department of the Army
Position: Guidance Counselor
Hobbies & Interests: Crystal healing, yoga/meditation, reading, and exploring new places
Shelby shares her experience in FourBlock-PTLU’s Military Spouse Career Readiness Program.
What struggles or barriers did you face during your spouse’s career?
With my husband still on Active Duty, my career journey is still evolving and very much a work in progress. When we got married, my husband was already six years into his service and due to his success, was transitioning into a phase of nominative positions, which tend to be shorter assignments than traditional ones. We have lived at four duty stations in five years and the rumor mill is already stirring for the next! I’ve struggled with establishing roots in my local community, making connections, and [finding] career-building opportunities.
What drove you to apply to participate in FourBlock/PTLU’s Military Spouse Career Readiness Program (CRP)?
Although I have loved and very fortunate for my federal career in Education Services, it’s not my ultimate career goal. I attended the FB+PTLU CRP to give myself permission to dream bigger and have the support from other milspouses while doing it.
How did the program impact you?
The program gave me community, support, and the space to recognize my dream job and take action toward making it a reality.
What were your key takeaways from the program?
A career adapts as your life expands. It’s meant to fit your needs versus you trying to fit your life around it. There will be seasons it looks different than you’d hoped but it doesn’t mean you aren’t working toward the dream.
What did you like most about FourBlock/PTLU’s approach and/or the Career Readiness Program?
I enjoyed the curriculum foundation with assignments in addition to the weekly meetings. I was challenged to expand and was held accountable by my cohort and the instructors. Each week built upon the last, which made keeping up with the coursework a priority.
How did the program help prepare you for your current role?
Although the program didn’t alter my current role, it helped me realize what I want to pivot into and discover the steps to making it happen. I’m currently working on training for my coaching certification!
What can military spouses expect from the program?
Expect to be supported and pushed. You will grow from this program. It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is different. Some get jobs while in the program, others discover their dream career and create a strategy, and others are still working through the steps.
What do you like most about your current company or position?
In my current position, I’m remote, which has been a true blessing to our family as we live in a location with high commuter traffic. Also, if we were to relocate for my husband’s next assignment, I would be able to stay with the organization versus resigning and starting over.
What one piece of key advice would you give to other military spouses who are currently transitioning?
Discover your path of integrity and go where it takes you. Your dreams can be bigger than you’ve ever imagined if you let them lead and trust them completely.
Learn more and apply to the FourBlock-PTLU Military Spouse Career Readiness Program at: