Alumni Spotlight: Holly Jendrey

Holly Jendrey is a U.S. Army military spouse and a Fall 2023 graduate of the FourBlock-Prepare to Launch U (PTLU) Military Spouse Career Readiness Program.

Holly Jendrey

Service (Branch, Length of Service): U.S. Army military spouse, 21 years
Education: Bachelor’s in Business Administration/Human Resources
FourBlock Cohort: Fall 2023 Military Spouse Career Readiness Program
Current Company or Organization: Hillside Family of Agencies
Position: Human Resources Manager
Hobbies & Interests: Scuba Diving, Photography, Traveling

In this alumni spotlight, Holly shares key takeaways from her time in the program.

What struggles or barriers did you face during your spouse’s career?

We have had 10 Army assignments over the past 21 years and additional house moves in between for a variety of reasons such as to move closer to the base or home purchases and sales. Because of the constant moves, we chose to home school our three kids and I took one or two classes at a time until I finished my degree a few months ago. Frequent moving and choosing to home school to provide stability meant that having my own career would have to wait. During those times, however, I did work as an English and math tutor for home schooled students, start my own photography business, tried out several home-based businesses, and volunteered countless hours in a variety of organizations and positions. 

What drove you to apply to participate in FourBlock/PTLU’s Military Spouse Career Readiness Program?

My husband is retiring in May and was attending the Virtual Northeast FourBlock cohort and recommended that I look into doing the spouse’s version. My home school days had come to an end, as have our moving days, and with the completion of my degree, I was excited to get to start my career. I lacked confidence in my experience and worth as “just” a military spouse. 

How did the program impact you?

From this program, I gained the confidence to not only present my experience as valuable and worthy but also to believe it. I was taught how to make an impactful resume and LinkedIn page, interview strategies, and negotiating after a job offer. 

What were your key takeaways from the program?

Kelly and Susan ran a fantastic program that helped me narrow down the career path I wanted to pursue, not just because I thought I wanted to, but the deeper desires that would or would not be met with certain jobs. I felt like this was an important step in launching a satisfying and rewarding career rather than just gaining employment. They taught me about having boundaries with supervisors, co-workers, friends, and family members and how to advocate for needs and expectations. 

What did you like most about FourBlock/PTLU’s approach and/or the Career Readiness Program?

I liked the format of using videos, live chats, homework, and partner exercises. It was nice to be able to go back and view the live sessions after the fact to remember what was said. I love the new network of people I have gained and the support of the other spouses in my small group and now in the graduate group. 

How did the program help prepare you for your current role?

This program helped me see what I was worth and not to settle for being underemployed. It helped me learn to network, which led to my interviews. It helped me interview and negotiate, which is how I ended up accepting a job offer that met my needs at the level I am at.  

What can military spouses expect from the program?

Military spouses can expect to have to take an internal look at themselves and their career goals. They can expect to meet incredible spouses from all branches of the military with a wide variety of education levels and experience. These individuals make up a unique group of supporters and cheerleaders, on their own career paths, but always taking the time to encourage and cheer you on. 

What do you like most about your current company or position?

The position is at the level I am currently at with my experience level. I will have room to grow within this position and in the company at large. I feel like there is a great group of people within the organization who will serve as mentors and give ample opportunities for further education and advancement. 

What one piece of key advice would you give to other military spouses who are currently transitioning?

Don’t compare yourself to others. Each of us has a unique story, talent, skill set, and perspective. Even though our spouses may be from the same branch, their career, deployment cycles, and changes of stations coupled with personal family situations and obligations are not equitable. You aren’t behind, late, or not qualified. On the contrary, you have served your country in so many ways that aren’t recognized by most people, but as a military spouse group, we know the challenges, we see the perseverance and overcoming, we support you, and we want you to recognize all that in yourself. 

Learn more and apply to the FourBlock-PTLU Military Spouse Career Readiness Program at: