Carly Brinsko is a U.S. Army military spouse and a 2023 graduate of the FourBlock-Prepare to Launch U (PTLU) Military Spouse Career Readiness Program.
Carly Brinsko

Service (Branch, Length of Service): U.S. Army military spouse, 16 years
Education: Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education from Youngstown State University; Master of Education in School Counseling from Texas A&M University–Central Texas
FourBlock Cohort: Spring 2023 Military Spouse Career Readiness Program
Current Company or Organization: Qwickly Inc.
Position: Quality Assurance and Compliance Specialist
Hobbies & Interests: Traveling, reading, working out
In this alumni spotlight, Carly shares key takeaways from her time in the program.
What struggles or barriers did you face during your spouse’s career?
Reciprocity between states is rare when it comes to transferring teacher and school counseling licensures. I had a great job as a school counselor (youngest in the school district) when my husband was reassigned to a new position, and we had to move mid-school year.
What drove you to apply to participate in FourBlock/PTLU’s Military Spouse Career Readiness Program?
I was a substitute teacher at my kids’ schools and felt inferior in a sense. I was working well below my educational background and wanted to feel more valued. I started researching military spouse employment resources and came across FourBlock/PTLU’s Military Spouse Readiness Program. The application window was already closed, but I applied anyway. As luck had it, a spot was available, and I was graced with the opportunity to join the cohort!
How did the program impact you?
The program impacted me in many ways – most importantly, I was encouraged to reflect deeply on my interests and past employment experiences. I learned that the careers I’m interested in are not limited to my educational background. Through networking, I connected with the CEO of an educational software company who believed in my ability to work as their intern in quality assurance and compliance.
What were your key takeaways from the program?
Network, network, network! You must be willing to put yourself out there and embrace the fact that professionals out there want to help you succeed. I also learned writing your own resume from scratch is possible! I guarantee you will feel more empowered once you finish that final draft of your resume.
What did you like most about FourBlock/PTLU’s approach and/or the Career Readiness Program?
At first, I wasn’t too keen on the idea of having a partner to work with throughout the program, but it turned it to be an incredible experience. We were, and still are, each other’s cheerleaders. We continue to talk once a week and have become close friends.
How did the program help prepare you for your current role?
This program helped me gain more confidence in myself and my ability to do great work in a new career field despite having a decade-long career break. A career break doesn’t define who you are and doesn’t make you less valuable as a potential employee.
What can military spouses expect from the program?
Expect to form great friendships within your cohort and possibly through networking outside of your cohort. Expect to work for it and give yourself the time you need to dedicate your all to completing the work with intention.
What do you like most about your current company or position?
I like that I am working for a smaller company where everyone knows who I am and values my life experiences along with the work I contribute to the company.
What one piece of key advice would you give to other military spouses who are currently transitioning?
Believe in yourself. You have the skills and experience. You have put so much time into caring for everyone else. Now is the time to take care of you and follow your passion!
Learn more and apply to the FourBlock-PTLU Military Spouse Career Readiness Program at: